Day: May 24, 2024

24 May 2024 2024, on trend


Travellers Seek Authentic and Outdoor Experiences Summer 2024: Marked by relaxation, slow living and local discovery.Recently, an interesting trend has emerged where many travellers suffer from “Notriphobia,” a term combining no-trip-phobia: the actual fear of having no planned or scheduled trip for the future. If you haven’t booked a stay for these summer holidays yet,…

  • Emma Villas S.p.A.
  • Partita IVA 01188760522
  • Operatore turistico italiano
    Autorizzato dalla provincia di Siena N.178974
    L.R.T. 51/1986
  • Responsabilità civile e generale:
    Europ Assistance Italia S.p.A.
    N. 4401827
  • Sede legale:
    Via Antonio Bertoloni 8
    00197 Roma (RM) - Italia